Several members of the Environmental Biotechnology Group recently received awards and fellowships!
Avery Carlson received the Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC)’s Martha Hahn Memorial Award, which is presented to the highest-rated abstract in the Municipal Symposium track. Avery received the award for his paper, “Troubleshooting Long-term Biofouling by Dispersed Bacteria in Full-scale Membrane Bioreactor.”
Shilva Shrestha received the Water Environment Federation (WEF) Canham Graduate Studies Scholarship for significant accomplishments in promoting awareness and understanding of water environment issues. Shilva’s research involves the recovery of medium chain carboxylic acids (MCCAs) from diverse organic waste streams such as food waste, with heavy emphasis on brewery waste.
Click to see details: Avery Carlson ; Shilva Shrestha