ChangYoon Jun

Changyoon Jun


Environmental Engineering

[email protected]

Daigger Group | Daigger Group Ph.D. Students |

Ph. D. Candidate, Civil & Environmental Engineering

2011, B.S.E. Environmental Engineering, University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea

2021, M.S.E. Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, US

Dr. Glen Daigger, Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan

Research Project
Changyoon is in the project on data-driven identification of the phosphorus removal characteristics through using biological and chemical processes in the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) Wastewater Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF).

Research Interests
Biological nutrient removal in wastewater, and advanced process modeling by utilizing data analysis and  Machine Learning (ML) tools. 

Other Interests
Boxing, running, and traveling

[email protected]