Matt Vedrin

Matthew Vedrin

PhD Student

[email protected]




  • Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (2021)
  • M.S. Design Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 2016
  • Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, 2014

Area of Interest

I want to see a world where every person has equitable access to clean and safe drinking water. My Masters work with the U-M Third Century Initiative project REFRESCH gave the opportunity to work on food-energy-water challenges in Gabon (in central Africa). There, I developed a strong interest in connections between water, sanitation, and hygiene (aka WASH) along with the interplay between social and technical challenges in WASH. Although my dissertation research has shifted focus to Ann Arbor’s drinking water, I have continually helped build and expand partnerships between our research team here at UM and REFRESCH colleagues in Gabon.  Our recently awarded Graham Catalyst Grant is the latest in this ongoing effort.

In connection with one of the College of Engineering’s Blue Sky Initiative projects, “Remaking Water Infrastructure”, my dissertation research will examine drinking water quality and perceptions in Ann Arbor, Michigan with a particular focus on identifying and predicting water quality changes in the distribution system to help improve utility services. The research will draw from the city’s existing historical drinking water data, as well as generate new data to augment the city’s ongoing distribution system monitoring, and will investigate residents’ drinking water perceptions, trust, and behaviors. Ultimately, I hope to contribute to the scientific fields of drinking water treatment, provision, and communication while also having practical outputs that are useful to drinking water professionals.

Awards and Honors

• Dow Sustainability Fellow – University of Michigan Graham Institute (Mar 2017)
• U-M CEE 1-Yr PhD Fellowship – University of Michigan Civil & Environmental Engineering (Mar 2017)
• NSF GRFP Honorable Mention – National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (Mar 2016)
• FSU Global Citizen Award – FSU Center for Global Engagement (Apr 2014 for international endeavors)
• Goldwater Scholarship – Barry Goldwater and Excellence in Education Program (Mar 2013 for STEM research)
• NSEP Boren Scholarship – US National Security Education Program (Apr 2013 for international exchange)
• FIPSE & SEAE Fellowship – FAMU-FSU College of Engineering (Jun 2013 for international exchange)

Conference and Poster Presentations

• Vedrin, M., Chen, T., Hardin, R., Raskin, L. (2019, October). Ongoing Collaboration with Ann Arbor’s Drinking Water Treatment & Distribution. Poster presented at Sustainability and Development Conference 2019. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

• Vedrin, M., van Velden, Grace, Hardin, Rebecca, Raskin, Lutgarde. (2017, October). Identifying and Characterizing Indicators for Combined Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (combined WASH) Interventions. Poster presented at UNC Water & Health 2017 Conference. Chapel Hill, NC.

• Hayden, A.,Nahata, M., Vedrin, M., Ongonwou, F., Djessi Tchouty F., Binze-Bi-Kumbe F. (2017, February). Assessment of drinking water quality in rural communities near Lambaréné, Gabon, Poster presented at Borchardt Conference: Triennial Symposium on Advancements in Water & Wastewater. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

• Browne, K., Burbidge, M. & Vedrin, M. (2017, February). Creative approaches to evaluation: Using multiple data sources to evaluate a participatory workshop in Gabon. Oral presentation at Michigan University-Wide Sustainability & Environment (MUSE) Conference. Ann Arbor, MI.

• Browne, K., Burbidge, M., & Vedrin, M. (2016, June). How well does a workshop work? Developing a platform for fostering and evaluating cross-sectoral collaborations in Gabon. Poster session presented at the Innovation, Transformation, and Sustainable Futures in Africa joint conference of the American Anthropological Association and African Studies Association, Dakar, Senegal.

• Vedrin, M., Daly, S., Skerlos, S. Designing Technologies with End-Users in Low-Resource Contexts: A Review of Literature. Poster session presented at the 2015 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC), Seattle, WA, October 2015.

• Vedrin, M. & Hardin, R. (2016, October). Exploring Problem Definition in Student Global Humanitarian Design Project Cases in the Literature, IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC), Seattle, WA,USA, pp. 336-341. doi: 10.1109/GHTC.2016.7857303

Other Interests
I like to see live music, play ultimate, rock climb, play guitar, brew beer, and eat delicious foods.

Contact Information
[email protected]