Brett Wagner
Ph.D. Student, Civil & Environmental Engineering
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow
2017, M.S. Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
2016, B.S. Civil Engineering (Environmental Emphasis), University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
Dr. Nancy Love, Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan
Dr. Glen Daigger, Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan
Research Project
My research is focused on the use of a partial nitritation anammox (PNA) membrane aerated biofilm reactor (MABR) for nitrogen removal in mainstream wastewater. I have investigated different startup strategies to accelerate the reactor startup and improve the reactor performance, and I am currently exploring how to optimize the advantages that a PNA MABR provides in a wastewater treatment process with different configurations.
Research Interests
Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactors (MABR), shortcut nitrogen removal, biological nutrient removal in wastewater, and wastewater process modeling
Honors and Awards
Michigan Water Environment Association John P. Hennessey Scholarship (2019)
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (2016)
University of Kansas Locke Outstanding Graduating Senior in the School of Engineering (2016)
University of Kansas Outstanding Graduating Senior in Civil Engineering (2016)
Kansas Water Environment Association Shirley Coles Memorial Award (2015)
University of Kansas Howard A. Stoltenberg Scholarship for Environmental Engineering (2015)
University of Kansas Undergraduate Research Awards (2015) (2016)
Lifetime Fellow of the American Junior Academy of Science (2011)
B. Wagner, G. Daigger, and N. Love “Impact of an Anaerobic Startup on a Partial Nitritation Anammox Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor for Mainstream Nitrogen Removal”. Helsinki, Finland. IWA Nutrient Removal and Recovery Conference 2020 (online). Oral.
B. Wagner, G. Daigger, and N. Love “Anammox Enrichment Startup Strategy for Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactors – Is it Worth it?”. Ann Arbor, Michigan. Borchardt Conference 2020. Poster.
B. Wagner, G. Daigger, and N. Love “Lab-scale Results from a Partial Nitritation / Anammox Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor (MABR) for Mainstream Nitrogen Removal”. Minneapolis, Minnesota. WEF Nutrient Removal and Recovery Conference 2019. Oral.
B. Wagner, G. Daigger, and N. Love “Startup of a Partial Nitritation/Anammox Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor (MABR)”. Toronto, Canada. IWA Young Water Professional Conference 2019. Poster.
B. Wagner, G. Daigger, and N. Love “Partial Nitritation / Anammox Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor for Nitrogen Removal from Aerobic Secondary Effluent”. Raleigh, North Carolina. WEF Nutrient Removal and Recovery Conference 2018. Oral.
B. Sturm, R. Faraj, T. Amante, B. Wagner, F. Kiani, and D. Waybenais "Strategies for Operating Aerobic Granular Sludge Reactors for Low-Strength Municipal Wastewater". Chicago, Illinois. WEFTEC 2015. Oral.
Other Interests
Cooking, college sports, and traveling
[email protected]