Leon Espira

Epidemiologic Science, School of Public Health

Ph.D. Student, Epidemiologic Science, School of Public Health

2015, Master of Public Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
2009, M.S. Physiology, Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Manitoba, Canada
Thesis on the Role of the Transcription Factor Scleraxis in the Regulation of Collagen Expression by Cardiac Fibroblasts
2004, B.S. Genetics, University of Manitoba, Canada

Research Interests
Leon's current scientific interests lie in better understanding transmission mechanisms for pathogens that exploit water and sanitation exposure pathways the community-wide effects of sanitation. First, he aims to show how sanitation improvements in one household can have positive impacts on its neighbors. This form of herd protection has been theorized, but with little empirical evidence. His second aim is to measure disease risk from exposure to untreated wastewater that is being used for irrigation of agricultural crops. The study site for his first aim in Addis Ababa Ethiopia, where he has completed a survey of informal settlements. His second study site is in Hidalgo, Mexico, where he is studying risk from exposure to canals carrying wastewater.

Other Interests
Gardening, hiking, reading and mountain biking
