woman headshot

Sara Troutman

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Ph.D. Student, Civil & Environmental Engineering
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow

2017, M.S.E. Civil Engineering (Intelligent Systems), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
2015, B.S. Environmental Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
2015, B.S. Mathematics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC

Dr. Nancy Love, Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan
Dr. Branko Kerkez, Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan

Research Project
Sara’s research focuses on applying modeling and control approaches to achieve system-wide objectives for a combined sewer/wastewater system. This includes developing a data-driven modeling toolchain to predict wet-weather impacts on sewer dynamics and simulating coordinated control decisions to operate distributed sewer assets, like pump stations and storage basins.

Research Interests
Water infrastructure systems modeling and control, water network decision-making tools

Other Interests
Arts and crafts, music, movies, books
