Raskin Group Teaching

CEE 592 Biological Processes in Environmental Engineering [Fall]
The purpose of this course is to study the fundamental concepts of microbiological processes used for environmental protection and improvement. These fundamental concepts are applied to engineered processes with an emphasis on wastewater management and resource recovery from waste streams, although biological processes for drinking water production will also be discussed. Based on this course you should be able to evaluate the performance of existing wastewater treatment plants and future designs using your basic process understanding, mathematical modeling tools, and knowledge obtained from the current literature.

CEE 881 Environmental Engineering Seminar for New Graduate Students [Fall]

The seminar course is intended for new environmental engineering graduate students in environmental and water resources engineering (EWRE). The course goals are:
– to help you understand the structure of our department, program, and research groups and your role and responsibilities within this structure;
– to explain our environmental engineering MSE and PhD curricula and to encourage you to plan your curriculum in consultation with your advisor;
– to make the beginning of your research and professional career easier by introducing resources, tools, procedures, conduct, responsibilities;
– to introduce professional organizations and your role as a graduate student within them;
– to introduce you to various ways of communicating your research and help you develop professional networks;
– to improve your presentation and communication skills;
– to discuss research and professional ethics, including scientific misconduct and plagiarism (by taking this course you will fulfill the College of Engineering Responsible Conduct of Research and Scholarship (CRCS) requirements);
– to introduce you to environmental engineering professionals with different career paths, including consulting engineering, industry, research universities, teaching universities and colleges, government organizations, and municipalities;
– to create a sense of community in the EWRE Program.

CEE 465 Environmental Process Engineering [Fall]

This course provides an introduction to the analysis, characterization and principles of physical, chemical and biological processes, operations and reactor configurations commonly used for water quality control; preliminary design of specific water and wastewater treatment processes and operations; discussion of economic and legislative constraints and requirements. Students who complete this course will meet the following course outcomes:
1. Apply mathematical, scientific and engineering principles to water quality process control systems;
2. Analyze and interpret information and data associated with water quality process control systems;
3. Design drinking water and wastewater process control systems;
4. Formulate open-ended information into a solvable problem as applied to water quality process control systems;
5. Establish effective practices in communicating design decisions through written and computerbased engineering calculations; and
6. Analyze and discuss current case histories in water quality process control systems.

CEE 880 Seminar in Environmental and Water Resources Engineering [Winter]

The purpose of this seminar course is to provide a forum for presentation and discussion of selected topics related to environmental and water resources engineering. The goals of the course are:
1. to expose our entire EWRE community to (i) different areas of research performed by EWRE research groups, (ii) a sampling of cutting-edge research performed at other institutions, (iii) case studies and experiences from industry, consulting engineering, and non-profit organizations
2. to improve our research presentation and communication skills
3. to help create a sense of community in the EWRE Program
4. to provide networking opportunities with external speakers and seminar attendees, including with your professors and peers within EWRE.

We typically have approximately 7-9 guest lectures and 5-7 EWRE graduate student and postdoc lectures, although this can change from year to year. I remind each speaker that they are presenting for a broad audience of EWRE graduate students and ask them to provide sufficient background to make the material accessible to all. However, the course requires extensive participation by students and other attendants in various ways as discussed below.